Giving Up Grains has moved to typepad at

About christybutch

Hi! I am Christy Butch. Married to Garrett Butch and the mother of two boys, Collin and Ryan. I am the Co-Founder of Maximum Potential, a company that teaches people how to work with autistic children. I am also a Strength Coach CF-L1 Instructor and Olympic Lift Coach as well as Nutrition Certified. This blog is about the journey to drastically change my families diet to better our immediate and long term health. I am excited to see what lies in store for us, especially my 7 year old who is autistic.We are now following a diet of meat.vegetables.nuts,seeds,little starch and little sugar.
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2 Responses to Giving Up Grains has moved to typepad at

  1. Lindsay says:

    Hi there!

    I love your site. I am currently in the introduction phase of the GAPS diet (it’s difficult). I really want to make my whole family grain and dairy free. I think grain free/dairy free will work out better for us, because GAPS is very strict.

    I developed an auto immune disorder after the birth of my second daughter. She is now 14 months. She has some mild eczema and I suspect a dairy allergy (had horrible reflux as an infant).

    I have a question: What did you use as a milk substitute, for calcium purposes, when your sons were younger? I would love some feedback here. Coconut milk is great, but doesn’t have much calcium. There’s almond milk too, but it doesn’t have much fat.

    • christybutch says:

      Thank you,

      I am hearing more and more about GAPS. Your right, eczema is HUGELY related to dairy.

      With our first son who has autism, we used soy milk (yuk), Then with Ryan, our next baby after I stopped nursing, I tried a variety of formulas and they were all NOT agreeable with him. We finally switched the boys to Almond. They get fat through avocados, nuts and oils. But if you have babies, the nuts are not going to work. I think Ryan started eating avocados before he ever even had teeth! It is hard to remember exactly, but we have stayed with almond milk for years now.Both of my boys are tracking to be like my husband’s size…..6’4″ 240lbs!

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